Harrison Packaging – helping keep food on the tables of Britain.

15th April 2020

The existing product just needed some sustainable printed packaging…and they needed it quick! The following timeline details how rapidly we were able to respond to the challenge:

• Day 1 PM – project briefed to the Harrison Hub structural design team.
• Day 2 AM – CAD samples delivered to the customer for approval of size, style and product testing.
• Day 3 – CAD samples approved by the customer.
• Day 4 – Purchase order and artwork was received. Raw materials and bespoke cutting tool ordered.
• Day 7 – Raw materials arrived on site.
• Day 8 – Harrison printed 600,000 sleeves. Cutting and gluing carried out overnight.
• Day 9 – First supplies of sleeves with customer. Product manufacture commenced for sale to the retailer!

A fast response is part of the Harrison DNA.